Practice Questions

Looking for questions to use in practice?  You can find a full list here.

Online Buzzer System

First Time Using the Buzzer System

The Online Buzzer System we use for competitions can be found here. Students do not need to create an account to join competition rooms, but coaches and moderators must register accounts by clicking “Log In to Create a Room”, then “Register” on the next page and then inputing the relevant information. Once an account in created you will be sent an email to activate it. After clicking this link you are free to create a game room.

Operating Game Rooms

You can create a game room at any time by clicking the “Create Game Room” on the “My Games” or “Active Games” tab. A game room name will autogenerate and all you need to do is decide a password. After the room is created, you can join your room as a moderator by clicking the big green “YOU!” button next to the room name. Once you are in your room, you may share the join link at the top with students and give them the password so they main join.They will appear with their chosen nickname on the player list in your room. You can use the game room as you would a normal buzzer system, reseting the system by using the “unlock all buzzers” button. You may also assign team designations if splitting up your students. By clicking “hide” next to a student’s name and then kick you can remove players from your room at any time.

Please make sure to kick all players and close a room after a session. If you leave a room open it will automatically close after a certain period of time and may return errors the next time you wish to join.

If at any time your Buzzer Room is returning a 500 error, refreshing the page usually fixes it.  A 404 error will require the creation of a new room.


The official rules summary for the Team Event can be found here.


Here is the Academic-Bowl-Official-Scoresheet.



Academic Bowl High School Division Scoreboard – February 4th, 2022

Academic Bowl High School Division Match Schedule – February 4th, 2022

Academic Bee High School Division – February 5th, 2022

Academic Bowl Middle School Division Scoreboard – April 29th, 2022

Academic Bowl Middle School Division – April 29th, 2022

Academic Bee Middle School Division -April 30th, 2022


Academic Bowl High School Division Scoreboard- February 5th, 2021

Academic Bee High School Division – February 6th, 2021

Academic Bowl Middle School Division Scoreboard – April 23rd, 2021

Academic Bowl Middle School Division Match Schedule – April 23rd, 2021

Academic Bee Middle School Division – April 24th, 2021