Qualified for Championships & International History Olympiad
Qualified for Playoffs
Bowl Winner

{tab=Team Scores by Round}Varsity & JV Scores by Round

  Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Total Record Prelim Rank
American School of Madrid 220 290 210 720 3-0 1
American School of Barcelona B * 170 230 230 630 1-2 2
ES International School 190 200 160 550 1-2 3
American School of Barcelona A 140 240 160 540 1-2 4



{tab=Team Matchups by Round}

Team Matchups by Round

Round 1 Scores Round 2 Scores Round 3 Scores
AS Madrid 220 AS Barcelona A 240 AS Madrid 210
AS Barcelona A 140 ES 200 ES 160
ES 190 AS Madrid 290 AS Barcelona B * 230
AS Barcelona B * 170 AS Barcelona B * 230 AS Barcelona A 160

{tab=Final Rounds} Final Rounds


